Northwest Federation of Stamp Clubs

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What is the Northwest Federation?

The Northwest Federation of Stamp Clubs has some 35 member clubs and philatelic organizations in Alaska, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Oregon. The organization has served as a common cause meeting ground for organized philatelic interests within these states and provinces for almost 100 years.

The federation hosts PIPEX (Pacific International Philatelic Exposition) annual APS World Series of Philately (WSP) show. The Federation is the only organization of its type with cross border membership and WSP exhibition sponsorship. It continues its member organization communications with THE FEDERATED PHILATELIST newsletter and this web site. The annual Federation meeting takes place at the annual PIPEX show!

More to come:

    Arn Sympsium

   List of member clubs and their contacts -- Those for which the webmaster has current information are up

   List of coming stamp shows -- some are listed, but your webmaster needs informaiton about others!

     Federation awards 

   And maybe some back issues of the Federated Philatelist 





Last update June 13, 2024

Webmaster: George Struble